Últimas plazas Master en Cambio Climatico URV

Master in Climate Change: instrumental reconstruction and analysis.


60 European (ECTS) credits

Centre for Climate Change (C3) at University Rovira i Virgili (Tortosa, Spain), IRTA-Aquatic Ecosystems

A focused and interdisciplinary curriculum:

  • 15 ECTS of basic knowledge and research skills.
  • 42 ECTS of optative subjects.
  • 15 ECTS master’s projec: research-oriented, in one of the associated research groups.

The University Rovira i Virgili is at the cutting edge in the development of high-quality climate datasets and hosts the MEditerranean DAta REscue Initiative (MEDARE: http://www.omm.urv.cat/MEDARE/), which was born under the auspice of the World Meteorological Organization, with the main objective being to develop, consolidate and progress on rescuing and developing climate data and metadata.

The readers in the master post-degree are researchers of Centre for Climate Change (C3, ) at the URV, who are focused on researching, training and knowledge transferring in the fields of climatic reconstruction and assessments, along with researchers from IRTA-Aquatic Ecosystems (), experts on research on global change processes in continental and coastal aquatic ecosystems, experts from the Catalonian Meteorological Service and researchers in health impacts and territorial impacts of climate change, legal regime and social and communicative dimension of climate change, and environmental planning applied to climate change

Please visit our website for comprehensive information:

Contact for all requests:
Dr. Javier Sigró,

Esta entrada se publicó en Tablón de anuncios en 06 Sep 2015 por Francisco Martín León